Bail bonds can be an important and helpful way to begin to get your life back after facing legal charges. Affordable bail bonds Williamsport Pa are available to help you when you need it most. Learn more about three of the several types of bail bonds below.
Cash Bail Bonds
Cash bail bonds are perhaps the most straightforward type of bail bonds. They are simply an all-cash bail bond that is paid in full to get you out of jail almost immediately. When you attend every court date and your case is over, you will get your bail bond back.
Surety Bail Bonds
It can be difficult to gather enough money to pay for the entire bond in one lump sum, which is why many people require the help of a bail bond agency. Surety bonds are bail bonds that are paid entirely by a bail bond agency, and the person receiving the bond is legally obligated to pay it back in full.
In many cases, the defendant will pay a small percentage, typically 10%, of the total cost of their bail up-front, and the agency will handle the rest. Once you have attended every court date, your bail bond agency will receive their bond back.
Immigration Bail Bonds
Immigration bonds aren’t much different from other types of bonds, in that they are paid either by an individual and agency and returned upon completion of the case. They differ in that they are reserved for those who are not citizens of the United States. International laws can make the details confusing with these types of bonds, too, so it’s important to seek legal help when possible.
The Bottom Line
These are just three of the several types of bonds available, but all serve as tools to help you get out of jail to allow you to focus on defending yourself in court.…